Научно-производственное предприятие «Альт-Свет», учредитель Международной Промышленной Ассоциации «ЕВРОКАБЕЛЬ», совместно с МГТУ МИРЭА для совместных научно-технических исследований создали Инновационный Центр «ОПТИКА». Целью Центра является выполнение наукоемких исследовательских работ, создание и внедрение конкурентоспособной научно-технической микро- и нано- оптоэлектронной продукции для телекоммуникаций, дефектоскопии и охраны, а также другая инновационная деятельность.
General Director of the Innovation Center "OPTICS" Gorbachev Oleg will present 5-11 / 10/2014 on the International certification of products and services in the field of health, Boston the newest apparatus for the treatment of vascular skin problems by phototherapy
Medical device based on low-intensity semiconductor lasers for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases
Leading specialists Innovation Center "OPTICS" was developed and implemented in the production of medical instruments based on low-intensity semiconductor lasers for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. The laser device was improved several times and has recently become the most actively used in medical institutions in Russia and abroad. Central Military Clinical Hospital mentioned efficacy in removing inflammatory processes, treatment of jaw injuries and recovery after reconstructive surgery. According to research scientists Faculty of Dentistry, New York University, particularly the effectiveness of diode laser device shows in the treatment of complex dentoalveolar anomalies. Doctors from dental clinic include laser treatment are among the most modern and effective drugs. Was praised and Polyclinic Office of the President.
The main difference between a primary drug is developed by the resonance effect on the cell as a biological system with a natural frequency of vital functions. To date, this technique is the most effective and fastest treatment for acne, but with the help of apparatus "acne treatment" achieved cosmetic effect: improves the texture and color of the skin, tightens enlarged pores and reduces oiliness.